These Are Legitimately The Dumbest People Ever

By Qunki Team | funny

There are dumb people everywhere. We will laugh hard when they do something. Even the people we think genius do stupid things sometimes. Here are some people doing things that we don't need any other confirmation to call them dumb.

1 Now.. Whats this?

One of the finest college life hacks. You know what? It ll definitely work

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Random Joke

Priest and his cock :

A Priest kept chickens at his village. One evening the cock went missing.

At the church mass prayer gathering, the priest asked,

"Who has a cock?"...

All the men got up.

"No, I meant who has seen a cock?"...

All the women got up.

"No, No, Who has seen a cock that isn't their's?"...

Half the women got up.

"Oh, for Heaven's sake, Who has seen my cock?"...

All the nuns got up.

2 You need to understand the importance of punctuations

Some people just move on without a break. They even didnt stop for placing commas. *Lol*

3 A unique Limos

Limos can be a good excuse to play utmost teeter totter.

4 OMG! This is scary

Her hands can be used as a good opportunity to petrify few small children.

5 The overdose of boozing, I wonder

A vehicle stuck badly in such a condition can only be possible if the driver was blind or it was his hangover driving.

6 Ouch. The cat jumped at a wrong place

No-No, dont you think that it would go down and harm him.

7 The best natural selection in action

A trampoline kept on a 6-storey roof deck and the person performed over it. Though he died but his image and video gained 14,000,000 views on YouTube.

8 How about Seagulls?

Seagulls arent an aggressive bird but why to take the risk. This man scared the $hit out of a vuvuzela.

9 A man with his unicycle

Now I got all answers to my childhood questions. The car wash literally saved us and grabbed the boy.

10 Your parents still appreciate you regardless of the silly incidents

I am certainly sure that your parents pat your head and still call you smart, no matter how stupid you act at times.

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